
The information and opinions presented on this website were prepared by 9823 Capital, LP or one of its affiliates (collectively "9823 Capital"). This website and its contents should not be construed as research, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any investment product related to a company discussed herein. Readers are urged to consult with their financial advisers before buying or selling any investment product. Though the information herein is believed to be reliable and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, 9823 Capital makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Data is sourced from 9823 Capital, subject companies, and in some cases, other parties.

Opinions, estimates, and projections constitute the current judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. 9823 Capital has no obligation to update, modify or amend this information or to otherwise notify a recipient thereof if any opinion, forecast, or estimate contained herein changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. Updates are at the sole discretion of 9823 Capital.

This website and its contents are provided for informational purposes only. They are not an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy. The financial instruments or strategies discussed in this website may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own informed investment decisions. Past performance, including performance achieved with other investment manager entities, is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Certain information contained in these materials constitute “forward-looking statements,” which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “shall,” “should,” “seek,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “estimate,” “intend,” “continue,” “target,” “plan,” “believe,” the negatives thereof, other variations thereon or comparable terminology. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results of the actual performance of an investment product or strategy may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements.

9823 Capital is not acting as a financial adviser, consultant or fiduciary to you, any of your agents (collectively, "You" or "Your") with respect to any information provided in the website. 9823 Capital does not express any opinion or recommendation whatsoever as to any strategies, products or any other information presented in the website. Information contained herein is being provided solely on the basis that the recipient will make an independent assessment of the merits of any investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation of, or express an opinion on, any product or service or any trading strategy.

The information presented is general in nature and is not directed to retirement accounts or any specific person or account type, and is therefore provided to You on the express basis that it is not advice, and You may not rely upon it in making Your decision. The information 9823 Capital provides is being directed only to persons it believes to be financially sophisticated, who are capable of evaluating investment risks independently, both in general and with regard to particular transactions and investment strategies, and who understand that 9823 Capital has financial interests in the offering of its products and services.